18. Earnings per share

Basis for calculating earnings per share

2022 CHF 1000

2021 CHF 1000

Loss for the year

–9 270

–17 277

of which attributable to non-controlling interests



of which attributable to the shareholders of the parent company

–9 009

–16 848

Basis for the calculation of earnings per share

–9 009

–16 848




Weighted average number of shares

2022 Number of shares

2021 Number of shares

Issued shares at 01.01.

14 769 351

14 869 351

Purchase of treasury shares from 09. - 21.07.2021

–100 000

Capital increase at 22.12.2020

16 183 796

Purchase of treasury shares from 12.10.2022

–125 000

Issued shares at 31.12.

30 828 147

14 769 351

Weighted average number of issued shares

18 333 084

14 822 572




Result per share

2022 CHF

2021 CHF

Net loss for the year for the calculation of earnings per share

–9 009

–16 848

Average time-weighted number of shares outstanding

18 333 084

14 822 572

Undiluted result per share in CHF



Net loss for the year for the calculation of earnings per share

–9 009

–16 848

Average time-weighted number of shares outstanding

18 333 084

14 822 572

Adjustment for assumed exercise of share-based payment plans

177 468

Diluted result per share in CHF



The undiluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the consolidated result for the year attributable to the shareholders of the parent company, after taxes, by the weighted average number of shares outstanding.

Mehr Weniger

In the reporting year, an adjustment was made for the first time for the assumed exercise of share-based payments, which dilutes earnings per share (previous year no adjustment).

Mehr Weniger