2. Disclosures on balance sheet and income statement positions

2.1 Investments

The indirect holdings are listed in the “Group Account” section of the Financial Report under “21. Investments in subsidiaries”
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Mehr Weniger

The capital share corresponds to the voting share.

Mehr Weniger

Direct investments

Investments in subsidiaries



Share capital as of 31.12.2022 in 1000

Holding as of 31.12.2022 in %

Share capital as of 31.12.2021 in 1000

Holding as of 31.12.2021 in %

MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd.




40 000



40 000


MCH Swiss Exhibition (Zurich) Ltd.




13 720



13 720


MCH Beaulieu Lausanne SA









MCH Live Marketing Solutions AG









MCH US Corp.




30 000



30 000


Arcual AG









Digital Festival AG
















EM Experience Marketing

SC Stand Construction

Mehr Weniger

2.2 Other payables towards related parties

The other liabilities to participations include insurance compensation already received but not yet transferred to the participations for exhibition cancellations amounting to CHF 15.9 million (previous year 20.6 million). The event cancellation insurance was taken out by MCH Group Ltd. The insurance compensation is therefore collected in advance by MCH Group Ltd., which then transfers it to the participations that bear the losses resulting from the exhibition cancellations.

Mehr Weniger

2.3 Long-term, non-interest-bearing liabilities to stakeholders

The long-term non-interest-bearing liabilities to stakeholders relate to the non-interest-bearing loan from the Canton of Basel-Stadt to MCH Basel Exhibition, which was transferred to MCH Group as part of the capital increase in 2020. As part of the subscription rights of third-party shareholders that were not exercised, this loan was converted into share capital accordingly. The remaining amount that could not be converted into share capital was continued as a loan. In the reporting year, this loan was fully waived by the Canton of Basel-Stadt as part of the 2022 capital increase.

Mehr Weniger

2.4 Shareholders' equity

The share capital is divided into 31,053,147 registered shares with a par value of CHF 1.00 each (previous year 14,869,351 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each).

Mehr Weniger

Of the reported reserves from capital contributions of CHF 224.8 million, CHF 32.2 million have been confirmed by the tax authorities. The capital contributions from the capital reduction of CHF 133.8 million and capital contributions from the capital increase 2022 of CHF 58.4 million have been reported to the tax authorities, but the confirmation is still pending. The amount of CHF 0.4 million, which has not been confirmed since 2013, relates to issuing costs of the capital increase in 2011. A transfer within equity has not yet been made.

Mehr Weniger

2.5 Treasury shares


Number of shares

Book value CHF 1000

Treasury shares as of 31.12.2021

Purchase of treasury shares

100 000

1 483

Treasury shares as of 31.12.2021

100 000

1 483

Subscription of treasury shares in capital increase

125 000


Treasury shares as of 31.12.2022

225 000

2 077

For the purpose of future remuneration for the management team, MCH Group Ltd. subscribed to 125,000 treasury shares in the year under review as part of the capital increase at an issue price of CHF 4.75 per share. The subscription rights to which MCH Group Ltd. is entitled were exercised in full.

Mehr Weniger

In the previous year, 100,000 treasury shares were acquired for the same purpose. The purchase of treasury shares took place in the period from 09.07.2021 to 21.07.2021 at an average market price of CHF 14.71. The purchase price of the treasury shares was CHF 14.71. 

Mehr Weniger

As of the balance sheet date December 31, 2022, no shares had been issued (previous year: none).

Mehr Weniger

2.6 Capital increase 2022

Following the pandemic-related losses in the past two years, a financial package of measures became necessary in the reporting year to secure the refinancing of the CHF 100 million bond due in May 2023 and the necessary investments for the growth of the company. The focus was on strengthening the capital base with a further capital increase with subscription rights for all shareholders.

Mehr Weniger

In 2020, the Canton of Basel-Stadt (subject to the approval of the bodies responsible for this) and Lupa Systems had agreed to support the refinancing of the bond in equal parts if the company is unable to refinance it itself (so-called "backstop").

Mehr Weniger

The Government Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt therefore proposed to the Grand Council that it should participate in the planned capital increase in 2022 by acquiring new capital shares of up to CHF 34 million. This meant that the public-law corporations participating in MCH Group would continue to hold at least 33.34 % of the shares or voting rights. Lupa Systems had envisaged a maximum investment amount of CHF 75 million when it joined MCH Group in 2020 and had invested CHF 48 million as part of the capital increases in 2020. In the case of the 2022 capital increase, Lupa Systems was also prepared to invest up to CHF 34 million, analogous to the Canton of Basel-Stadt, and thus to go beyond the originally envisaged maximum investment amount if necessary.

Mehr Weniger

In the capital increases in 2020, the Canton of Basel-Stadt had converted CHF 24.2 million of an existing interest-free loan of CHF 30 million into equity. As part of the capital increase in 2022, the government council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt requested the Grand Council that the repayment of the remaining loan of CHF 5.8 million not converted into equity in 2020 be waived. This was also already envisaged in 2020 and was also justified in the year under review by the fact that MCH Group was not entitled to Corona hardship funds from the Confederation on account of the state participation.

Mehr Weniger

In June 2022, the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt approved the proposals of the Government Council and the Economic and Tax Committee (WAK) for the Canton of Basel-Stadt to participate in the planned capital increase of MCH Group by acquiring new capital shares of up to CHF 34 million and to waive repayment of the residual loan of CHF 5.8 million that had not been converted into equity in 2020. The decision of the cantonal parliament was subject to a 42-day referendum period, which subsequently expired unused.

Mehr Weniger
Capital reduction through par value reduction

With a view to the planned capital increase, the Board of Directors wanted to create more flexibility by reducing the nominal value of the shares and thus reducing the capital. Before the reduction in the nominal value, the share capital of MCH Group Ltd. amounted to CHF 148.7 million. However, the shares of MCH Group Ltd. were trading below the nominal value of CHF 10 per share. At the General Meeting of May 23, 2022, the Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. proposed to the shareholders that the nominal value per share be reduced to CHF 1.00 and that the share capital be reduced to CHF 14,869,351. The amount of CHF 133,824,159 by which the share capital would be reduced should be transferred to capital contribution reserves. This requested reduction of the nominal value was a purely technical measure. The total equity base remained unchanged, as did the number of shares issued. The Annual General Meeting of May 23, 2022, approved the proposal of the Board of Directors by a large majority.

Mehr Weniger
Exception to the obligation to make an offer

In July 2022, the Swiss Takeover Board approved the applications submitted by MCH Group Ltd. and its two main shareholders in connection with the planned capital increase, in particular concerning the granting of an exemption from the obligation to make an offer pursuant to Art. 136 para. 1 lit. e FinfraG (restructuring exemption).

Mehr Weniger
Capital increase

The Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. proposed to the Extraordinary General Meeting of September 28, 2022 a capital increase of up to 18,586,688 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each at a subscription price of CHF 4.75 per new registered share, a subscription ratio of 4 to 5 and the safeguarding of the shareholders' subscription rights.

Mehr Weniger

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of September 28, 2022, the shareholders of MCH Group Ltd. approved this proposal of the Board of Directors with over 91% votes in favor.

Mehr Weniger

The subscription period started on Thursday, September 29, 2022 and lasted until Monday, October 10, 2022. A total of 16,183,796 new registered shares were placed in the rights offering, corresponding to around 87% of the registered shares offered. MCH Group received gross proceeds totaling CHF 76.9 million from the issue of the registered shares, including CHF 0.6 million from the exercise of MCH Group Ltd.'s own subscription rights, or CHF 76.3 million less CHF 0.6 million from the exercise of MCH Group Ltd.'s own subscription rights.

Mehr Weniger


Number of shares Shares

Share capital (a) CHF

Additional paid-in capital (Agio) 1) (b) CHF

Total (a) + (b) CHF

Cash flow 2022 CHF

Before capital increase

14 869 351

14 869 351

14 869 351







Canton of Basel-Stadt

7 157 894

7 157 894

26 842 103

33 999 997

33 999 997

Lupa Investment Holdings LP

7 157 892

7 157 892

26 842 095

33 999 987

33 999 987

MCH treasury shares

125 000

125 000

468 750

593 750

Other shareholders

1 743 010

1 743 010

6 536 287

8 279 297

8 279 297

Capital increase gross

16 183 796

16 183 796

60 689 235

76 873 031

76 279 281

Transaction costs

–2 332 621

–2 332 621

–2 332 621

Canton of Basel-Stadt

–2 332 621

Capital increase net

16 183 796

16 183 796

58 356 614

74 540 410

73 946 660







After capital increase

31 053 147

31 053 147

58 356 614

89 409 761

73 946 660

1) Accounted in equity and reported under capital reserves.

After completion of the capital increase, the number of issued registered shares increased to a total of 31,053,147 with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each, corresponding to a share capital of CHF 31,053,147.00. The completion of the capital increase took place on October 12, 2022, the delivery and the first trading day of the new registered shares on October 13, 2022.

Mehr Weniger

Even after the completion of this rights issue, MCH Group still has a stable, long-term anchor shareholder base: Lupa Systems holds 38.52% of the share capital, while the Canton of Basel-Stadt holds 37.52%. In addition, the Canton and the City of Zurich together hold 1.50%. MCH Group Ltd. exercised the subscription rights for its treasury shares and acquired 125,000 new registered shares in the rights issue, thus holding a total of 0.72% of the share capital. The other shareholders hold 21.74% of the share capital.

Mehr Weniger

2.7 Debt waiver and subordination of loans

In connection with the restructuring of MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd. necessitated by Covid-19, a debt waiver on the asset loan of CHF 2.0 million and a subordination on the asset loan of CHF 20 million were granted in the year under review.

Mehr Weniger

In connection with the necessary restructuring of Masterpiece London Ltd., a complete debt waiver of CHF 0.7 million was granted on the asset loan in the reporting year.

Mehr Weniger

2.8. Bond

As part of the financing of MCH Group Ltd., a CHF 100 million new issue (bond) was raised in 2018 with a term from 16.05.2018 to 16.05.2023 (5 years) and a coupon of 1.875%. Until 31.12.2022 shares in the amount of CHF 0.4 million were repurchased prematurely. The fees relating to the issuance of the bond will be charged to the income statement on an accrual basis over the five-year term.

Mehr Weniger

2.9 Other operating income







CHF 1000

CHF 1000

Loan waiver


5 756

Event cancellation insurance


3 776




Other operating income


5 756

3 788

In June 2022, the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt approved the proposals of the Government Council and the Economic and Tax Commission (WAK) that the Canton of Basel-Stadt waive repayment of the residual loan of CHF 5.8 million not converted to equity in 2020.

Mehr Weniger

2.10 ALV contributions (short-time work)

Due to Covid-19, no short-time work was requested from the state for the reporting year or the previous year.

Mehr Weniger

2.11 Share-based payments

Since the reporting year 2022, a Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) with a basic plan period of three years has been in place for members of the management team. For the LTIP 2022-2024, three vesting periods have been defined, each covering the fiscal year (2022, 2023 and 2024). At the beginning of the three-year plan period, plan participants receive a defined number of performance share units (PSUs), which are distributed evenly over the three vesting periods. At the end of each vesting period, a certain number of shares are transferred to the plan participants for each PSU granted, depending on target achievement. Between zero and 1.5 shares can be allocated per PSU. The plan defines target values for the growth of operating income (weighting one third) and EBITDA (weighting two thirds).

Mehr Weniger

The shares are freely available to the plan participant after transfer and are not subject to any vesting period.

Mehr Weniger

The PSUs are valued at the beginning of the respective plan period at the closing share price of the MCH share on the allocation date. The recording of personnel expenses for the current plan periods is based in each case on the degree of target achievement, which is calculated on the basis of the current actual, budget, forecast and medium-term plan figures.

Mehr Weniger

The following personnel expenses, including social security benefits, were recognized for the current plan periods in 2022:

Mehr Weniger

Plan period

Vesting period



Personnel expenses




CHF 1000

CHF 1000



24 266





24 266





24 270










72 802








No shares were transferred in the reporting year 2022 as the plan was only introduced this year. The first transfer is planned for the coming reporting year.

Mehr Weniger