Notes to the Annual Accounts
1. Principles
1.1 General Information
The present annual accounts of MCH Group Ltd. with head office in Basel have been drawn up in accordance with the Swiss commercial accounting and financial reporting legislation (Title 32 of the Swiss Code of Obligations). The main accounting and valuation principles applied that are not prescribed by law are described below.
1.2 Valuation principles
Assets are valued at no more than acquisition cost. All assets and liabilities denoted in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates applicable on the balance sheet date. The resulting exchange rate differences are included on the income statement. Unrealized exchange gains are deferred and reported under the item “Accrued expenses and deferred income”. Income and expenses denominated in foreign currencies and all transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates applicable on the individual transaction dates.
1.3 Non-inclusion of a cash flow statement and further details in the notes
MCH Group Ltd. draws up group accounts in accordance with a recognized accounting standard (Swiss GAAP FER). In accordance with the statutory provisions, it has thus dispensed with the provision of details of interest-bearing liabilities and auditing fees and also with the presentation of a cash flow statement in the notes to the present annual accounts.
1.4 Treasury shares
Treasury shares are recognized at cost at the time of acquisition and disclosed as a separate deduction in equity. There is no subsequent valuation. If treasury shares are sold, this is done at the moving average price. Any realized increase or decrease in value is credited or charged to capital reserves without affecting income.
1.5 Share-based payments
A long-term incentive plan (LTIP) exists for members of the management team. At the beginning of the three-year plan period, the plan participants receive a defined number of performance share units (PSUs), which are distributed evenly over the three vesting periods. The expense is recognized as personnel expense in proportion to the duration of the vesting periods. At the end of the respective vesting period, a certain number of shares are transferred to the plan participants for each PSU granted, depending on target achievement. Between zero and 1.5 shares can be allocated per PSU.
The PSUs are valued at the beginning of the respective plan period at the closing share price of the MCH share on the allocation date. The recording of personnel expenses for the current plan periods is based in each case on the degree of target achievement, which is calculated on the basis of the current actual, budget, forecast and medium-term plan figures.