20. Employee pension funds
20.1 Pension funds Switzerland
The employee pension fund of MCH Group (hereinafter referred to as the pension fund) is independent of the group. The fund is financed by employee and employer contributions as a matter of principle. Membership of the pension fund is compulsory for all employees with permanent contracts at MCH Group Ltd., MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd., MCH Swiss Exhibition (Zurich) Ltd., MCH Live Marketing Solutions AG and MCH Beaulieu Lausanne SA. Members are entitled to benefits which include an old-age pension, disability pension and benefits in the event of death. Since 01.01.2012, the pension fund has operated as a defined contribution scheme.
The affiliated companies pay a total contribution of 150% of the contribution amount attributable to the members. The expenses in the financial year 2022 amounted to CHF 4.1 million (previous year CHF 3.7 million). An actuarial balance sheet is prepared by an expert at least every three years. This was prepared as of 01.01.2021 on the technical basis BVG 2015, period tables and a technical interest rate of 1.50%. In the meantime, the bases have been changed to BVG 2020 (updated bases) and generation tables for the annual calculation of the actuarial reserve. The funding ratio estimated by means of extrapolation amounts to around 120.0% as of December 31, 2022 (previous year 127.0%). The total employer contribution reserve as of 31.12.2022 amounts to CHF 0.7 million (previous year CHF 0.7 million).
20.2 Pension plans United States
For non-union employees, MC2 has a 401(k) salary savings plan on a defined contribution basis. Under this plan, employees may contribute a portion of their taxable salary under U.S. federal guidelines for such plans. All participants must have completed at least one year of service to participate in this plan. In the reporting year 2022, the company made employer contributions totaling USD 0.5 million (previous year USD 0.4 million).
For unionized employees, MC2 contributes to multi-employer pension plans under collective bargaining agreements that provide retirement benefits for its members. MC2's contributions to these plans were less than 5% of the total contributions to each of these plans. MC2 obtains the current zone status ("Pension Protection Act zone status") for each plan from the respective employee benefit plans. It is confirmed annually by the actuarial advisor of the respective pension plan.
The table below provides information about the significant group pension plans in which MC2 participates:
Plans in the red zone are less than 65% funded, plans in the yellow zone less than 80% funded. Plans in the orange zone are also less than 80% funded, but are considered at risk. Plans in the green zone are at least 80% funded. The "FIP/RP Implementation Status" column indicates benefit plans for which a financial improvement plan or rehabilitation plan is either planned or has been implemented.
In multi-employer pension plans, the assets are available to also provide benefits for employees of other employers. Likewise, the employers are jointly and severally liable for unfunded obligations. In addition, the company may be liable for unfunded vested benefits in the event of termination or withdrawal.
As of December 31, 2022, approximately 14.6% (prior year 13.0%) of MC2's personnel expenses were used for a unionized workforce, which includes 9 (prior year 9) collective bargaining agreements. These are valid from 2024 to 2026. By this time, the contracts have been renewed or renegotiated.
There are no obligations to pension plans as of December 31, 2022 (previous year: none).