Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

CHF 1000

Share capital

Capital reserves

Treasury shares

Retained earnings




Minority interests






Exchange differences

Hedging reserve

Retained profits

Total retained earnings



As of 01.01.2022

148 694

58 955

–1 483

–1 029


–157 489

–158 353


47 843

Exchange differences

–3 223

–3 223


–3 257

Capital increase

16 183

58 357


74 540

Purchase of own shares










Changes from cash flow hedges




Capital reduction

–133 824

133 824

Capital contributions minority interests



4 461

4 158

Loss for the year

–9 009

–9 009


–9 270

As of 31.12.2022

31 053

251 136

–2 077

–4 252


–166 801

–171 053

4 196

113 255

Exchange differences

–2 158

–2 158


–2 215







Stamp duty



Change from share-based compensation





Capital contributions minority interests


2 079

2 079

Loss for the year

–12 771

–12 771

–1 273

–14 044

As of 31.12.2023

31 053

250 669

–1 653

–6 410

–179 572

–185 982

4 824

98 911

Mehr Weniger

The revenue reserve includes CHF 15.5 million (previous year CHF 15.5 million) general statutory reserves (including the capital contribution reserves) held by MCH Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries, which may not be distributed at present.

Mehr Weniger

In the notes to the Group Accounts, note 19 shows the shareholders' equity with theoretical capitalization of the goodwill at its net book value of CHF 0.4 million (previous year CHF 0.6 million).

Mehr Weniger

The share capital is divided into 31,053,147 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 per share (previous year 31,053,147 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 per share).

Mehr Weniger

The taxable value per share as at 31.12.2022 is CHF 4.18 (previous year CHF 4.60).

Mehr Weniger