Culture Journey and Corporate Values
In order to master the challenges of the future, we initiated a far-reaching transformation process in 2022. In lockstep with our economic recovery, our cultural journey is taking place, with our corporate values at its center.
The corporate values describe our personal attitude, our day-to-day interactions, our collaboration across business units and borders, and our behavior towards ourselves and others. Our values are the foundation of our corporate culture.
Last year, the MCH Group Management Team set the course for further intensive progress in the process of our cultural transformation, globally launched in March 2023 along with our corporate values. Our aim is to grow together as a single company, because we can only win or lose together.

Game Changers at Kick-Off in March 2023
Around 80 colleagues were selected or nominated within the past year as “Game Changers” to lead the transformation journey worldwide and bring the cultural change to the entire organization. The aim is for all MCH employees at all hierarchical levels to be represented and heard via our “Game Changers”.
In the kick-off in March 2023 the first thirty colleagues were trained in three intensive workshop days by external coaches and as they got acquainted with the process of cultural change and their personal contribution to it. This process continued throughout the year 2023, with additional “Game Changers” from across the entire Group getting onboarded.
Once the Game Changer community had settled in and the process of training was completed, they defined, together with the Group Management team, concrete projects to be implemented throughout MCH Group. Our Game Changers are now actively contributing to shaping our ongoing cultural transformation process.