Introduction to the Remuneration Report

Under the terms of Section 7 of the “Ordinance against abusive remuneration in listed companies” (VegüV) of 20.11.2013, the Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. is required to submit a written remuneration report providing information on remuneration, loans and credit for the Board of Directors and the management (Executive Board).

To provide a clearer overview and make for an easier understanding of the remuneration details, this remuneration report also contains the general principles and the remuneration systems for the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.

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The remuneration report is published in accordance with the appropriate provisions governing the annual report. The statutory auditor is required to check the remuneration report for compliance with the law and the "Ordinance against abusive remuneration in listed companies" (VegüV) in each case.

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The remuneration report does not have to be submitted to the General Meeting for approval. The General Meeting does, however, have to decide on the non-profit-related remuneration of the Board of Directors and Executive Board, as well as the profit-related remuneration of the Executive Board.

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Details of the remuneration as per the “VegüV” Ordinance

The details of the remuneration required to be disclosed are set out in Articles 14-16 of the “VegüV” Ordinance (in German).

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Vote on the remuneration by the General Meeting

The provisions governing the approval of the remuneration by the General Meeting as per Article 18 of the “VegüV” Ordinance are set out in Paragraphs 18 and 19 of the statutes of MCH Group Ltd.

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On the basis of the statutes of MCH Group Ltd., the General Meeting of 02.05.2019 approved the non-profit-related remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board for the 2020 business year

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At the General Meeting of 28.04.2021, a vote will be held on the non-profit-related remuneration of the Board of Directors and Executive Board for the 2022 business year and also on the profit-related remuneration of the Executive Board for the 2020 business year.

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