Statutory Auditors

The Annual General Meeting of MCH Group Ltd. on 24.04.2020 elected KPMG AG, Basel, as the statutory auditors for the group for the 2020 business year. The lead auditor was Claudio Boller.

KPMG AG, Basel, invoiced the following services to MCH Group in the 2020 business year:

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Services (in CHF, excl. VAT)


2 019


558 500

539 923

Other consulting

244 923

26 789


803 423

566 712

The auditing services cover all engagements in connection with the auditing of the annual accounts for the business year in question. Other consulting comprises mainly services in connection with the capital increase as well as tax consulting.

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The statutory auditors are elected by the General Meeting for a period of one year in each case following a proposal made by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee monitors the external auditing company to ensure that it performs its work independently and in accordance with Swiss legislation and the Swiss auditing standards. The statutory auditors submit written and verbal reports to the Audit Committee at least once a year on the subjects of audit planning and the scope of the audit, accounting, financial reporting, the internal control system and other auditing-related assignments. In the reporting year, the statutory auditors attended four Audit Committee meetings.

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