Development of Consolidated Shareholders' Equity

The change in the consolidated shareholders’ equity is as follows:

Mehr Weniger

CHF 1000

Share capital

Capital reserves

Retained earnings




Non-controlling interests





Accumulated currency translation differences

Hedging reserve

Retained profits

Total retained earnings



As of 01.01.2018

60 066

74 310



98 019

97 943

1 382

233 701










Currency translation differences





Changes from cash flow hedges




Recycling Goodwill due to disposal of subsidiaries

13 846

13 846

13 846

Change in consolidation scope




Offsetting Goodwill from equity transactions




Non-controlling interests in the capital of acquired companies and buyout of non-controlling interests



Loss for the year 2018

–190 443

–190 443


–190 433

As of 31.12.2018

60 066

74 310



–79 069

–78 838

1 343

56 881










Currency translation differences





Changes from cash flow hedges




Recycling Goodwill due to disposal of subsidiaries

1 460

1 460

1 460

Change in consolidation scope





Loss for the year 2019

–9 697

–9 697


–9 941

As of 31.12.2019

60 066

74 310



–87 308

–87 766

1 284

47 894

The revenue reserve includes CHF 39.2 million (previous year CHF 39.5 million) general statutory reserves (including the capital contribution reserves) held by MCH Group Ltd. and its subsidiaries, which may not be distributed at present. In the notes to the Group Accounts, note 16 shows the shareholders’ equity with theoretical capitalisation of the goodwill at its net book value of CHF 44.5 million (previous year CHF 64.2 million).

Mehr Weniger

The share capital is divided into 6,006,575 registered shares (previous year 6,006,575 registered shares) with a nominal value of CHF 10.00 per share. The upper limit on entries into the share register is 5% per shareholder. This registration limit does not apply to the Cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel - Landschaft and Zurich or to the City of Zurich.

Mehr Weniger

The taxable value per share as per 31 December 2019 is CHF 26.10 (previous year CHF 19.95).

Mehr Weniger