CEO Statement
The overriding objective of the MCH Group is to ensure its long-term business success for the benefit of all stakeholders. Its economic success essentially rests on two basic pillars: on the one hand, on the further development of the company on the basis of a clear strategy and, on the other hand, on the link between public and private interests that is a characteristic feature of the company's shareholders and its management.
Corporate strategy
The corporate strategy of the MCH Group is aimed at continuous, stable growth. The main focus of the growth strategy is on the further expansion of the products and services offered in the field of the marketing platforms (exhibitions and events) and marketing solutions (live marketing solutions), the further boosting of the international nature of the portfolio and the development of digital offerings to supplement and extend the group's live-marketing business. The further development of the group is to be achieved both organically and through selective collaborations and acquisitions.
The MCH Group’s unique network with its three strategic divisions of Exhibitions (own exhibitions), Venues (third-party exhibitions) and Live Marketing Solutions (services) plays a key role in the implementation of the strategy. Through the synergies that result with the group's own services, it is possible to increase the share of the value-added chain in the exhibition business. At the same time, the bespoke marketing solutions allow new market potential to be tapped in the national and international exhibition and event market.

René Kamm, Group CEO
«Public Private Partnership»
The MCH Group is committed to Switzerland as a location and, in particular, to its infrastructure locations of Basel, Lausanne and Zurich as the priority venues for staging its own exhibitions. In this way, it safeguards the interests of the locations and secures the major economic effects that the group's activities trigger for the exhibition and congress sites.
The protection of the interests of these locations is ensured through the 49-percent holding of the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Zurich and also the City of Zurich in its holding company and through the representatives of the public entities on its Board of Directors. Since the economic impact on the locations is conditional on the group's success, the public entities support the company's success-oriented and profit-oriented alignment. They are in favour of exhibitions being staged in other locations too, as well as the expansion of location-independent and/or exhibition-independent activities, insofar as these contribute towards the company's success and are not to the detriment of its own locations.
The MCH Group is under the management of the Board of Directors and Executive Board of its holding company. This ensures the efficient management of the group as a whole and secures optimum implementation of the integrated cooperation model for the individual divisions. As a listed company, the MCH Group also adheres to the provisions of relevance to corporate governance in the current legislation and in the directives issued by the SIX Swiss Exchange.
The MCH Group's corporate activity has a high sustainability value. Its marketing platforms and solutions contribute to the success of a large number of companies and different industries. The major economic impact triggered by its activities ultimately benefits the local community in the form of tax income. The operation of the exhibition sites and the staging of the events are, however, highly intensive in respect of environmental aspects. In the context of sustainability reporting, great attention is thus paid to environmental issues, since these are of particular relevance for the group's local setting.
Over the past few years, the MCH Group has developed remarkably in many respects within the national and international exhibition and event sector. Sustainability is one of the decisive factors for this success, since it presupposes sustainable economic, environmental and social performance. The MCH Group constantly strives to promote sustainable behaviour in all areas and on all levels, to constantly improve its sustainability indicators and to assume a leading position in its industry in respect of sustainability too.
René Kamm
Group CEO